Numero Diecinueve

So, it’s that time of year where the amount of papers I have to write outweigh the amount of hours in a day and I end up spending all my time in bed surrounded by scattered papers, books and empty boxes of oreos. This post is actually a mode of procrastination but SHH don’t tell. I’m finding that I’ve been really into the “retro” as of late, especially the 50’s and 60’s. Here are just some of the inspirations I’ve come across the past few days.

Seventeen Magazine, August 1966

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Seventeen Magazine, August 1966

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OH YEAH! I made myself a goal yesterday. This summer I am going to design AND make 2 complete outfits from scratch. I have been putting off this whole “lets make clothes” thing for way too long and have a mind busting full of ideas. It’s just the DO-ing part that I’m usually pretty good at avoiding. So I expect you all to hold me to that. Got it? Good.

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